Sunday, 30 August 2009


First proper post, awesome!

I thought I'd kick things off with something I'm pretty fond of.

This is a video I made for the final unit of year two of my Graphic Design degree course.
It is an experimental film piece based on my visual responses to a starting trigger, which for me was a telephone directory.

The film itself is made using a particular technique called Direct or Cameraless Film.
The process involves working directly onto the films surface to create moving images.
I wanted to experiment further with what was possible so I worked with photocopied transparencies to create layers of images and numerical combinations which once projected would create moving images.

I was pleased with the outcome and I think I will begin working more with this area of film making in future.


Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Popping my blog cherry...

So this is the first time I have ever really gotten into this blogging thing.
I figured it was about time to get on it before I'm left behind in a cloud of digital dust!

I'm gona be using this to keep people posted with new artwork and stuff I'm working on.

Feel free to get in touch, email is holla at me if your interested in anything.

